viernes, 9 de marzo de 2012


Hey people!! this is my first random entry, yayyyy!! well, how u see i'm talking in english, it's because i wanted to use some idiom to let everyone understand... well, actually i know that not everyone understands english, but i like english so that's all.
i'll try to update the often i can, but i have to study too so i will do what i can
anyway, enough of boring presentation... i will talk of a topic that got me obsesed for a great part of my life: Harry Potter. Actually since the last movie i became an anime fan because that end shok me and i needed to get through it (i mean, harry ended up with ginny instead with ron or draco!! and fred died because of a wall people! BECAUSE OF A WALL! i mean, all the other death characters died fighting, yes, mabye he was actually fighting, but what killed him wasn't a spell, was a wall!! anyway, my point is that because anime i forgot a bit of harry potter and like a week ago i started reading harry potter 3 again, and now i'm reading the 5th bookandihateumbrigesomuch!!! aaaaagggggghhhhhhh!!!
well, if u paid atention to what i said u will see that i'm a yaoist, slash lover, so on... so, i love harry x ron, and draco x harry, harry is so uke!! anyway, if i could have draco for my self i would try to kill him at first but then i would love him, he's actually cute!
well, enough fangirl comments heh, i will be ending this entry, but how today i talked about harry potter and a bit of slash, mabye next time i will talk about anything random that i want (yay!) ^_^